Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Musical Art

Yesterday, we tried snap painting; and Laken enjoyed "playing her guitar" while she was creating her design, a sure hit with any preschooler!

I used a regular size cookie sheet; and we were able to do two separate paintings with just one mess, even though I'm not opposed to messes!  I happened to have some extra large rubber bands.

Laken's completed snap art.  They looked even cooler once they dried!
I agree that this was a double sensory project.  I forgot how well music and art go together!  A family friend invented this paintbrush, and his dad gave one to Laken for her third birthday.  She enjoyed playing with it, but it was hit or miss with whether or not she had her finger on the metal strip.  Still, she played with it until she wore out the batteries.  We've been meaning to replace them for awhile, and it was put off for too long; because it really is an awesome gadget!  Yesterday's snap painting made me really want to get it working for her again.

Now that she is older, she is starting to understand the concept of the circuit a bit more.  I showed her how I could make a circuit by touching her, and be able to play with my other hand.  I'm excited to watch her play evolve!  It was fun to hear what things she came up with for the sounds she was making, like a dolphin and a siren.  I made the large, cursive L when I was re-introducing the brush to her; and at one point she touched it, and asked why it wasn't making noise.  I explained that it wasn't connected to the lines she was making, and the one she was touching; and she said, "oh, but I can make a line that touches."  YES, what a great observation!  Do I need to say that I highly recommend this as an addition to your art supplies?  It would make a great stocking stuffer!